Leona Lewis-Bleeding Love
The song Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis is not directly the theme my group is going for. However, there are elements such as insecurities and suicide included in Bleeding Love which directly relate and link to my groups music video. This is my main reason for analysing this video.
The shots above are ones that I have picked out to include in the music video as they highlight the pain and deep depression evoked from the actresses. There are a variety of shots which I aim to achieve with my group.
Lastly this picture presents the pain of the individual which is what my group aspires to achieve. This shot in particular interests me as it blurs the dark background out but focuses on the crying eyes of the actress which emphasizes her depression and sorrow. In addition I appreciate how well the actresses makeup is put together to make it appear as if she is genuinely crying so it is believeable to the audience.
This is exactly what my group is aiming to display in our music video to ensure the audience is understanding of the individuals insecurities and perhaps even relate to an extent.
You need to show how you have shot similar shots -or shots that have these research as a starting point - in your video in order to emphasise the relevance of this research