The first shot above is my imitation of the tap shot to hint to the audience the intentions of the actress. This shot will be shown and cut to a memory of the actress, then more water will be shown and the scene will be split up and cut through the various stages of the suicide.
For example when she turns on the tap, CUT, when she sits on the side of the bath, CUT, when she steps one foot in the bath, CUT, when she sits in the bath, CUT.. ect.
The first shot shows similarites with my picture however the lighting on the shot of Rhianna is more effective as it presents a hopeless atmosphere.
My group intends to adopt this feature by either dying the water a dark colour using food colouring or putting a dark towel in the water before filming this particular shot to darken the water and create a more effective tone
These two shots are different but similar as the Pink 'Perfect' video has the girl without tights on ready to commit suicide whereas our actress wore tights.
I still feel that she should wear tights when we reshoot this scene, however the tights can be ripped with holes and the lighting will be less bright to create a more ominous tone.
This shot was inspired from our general research which is shown on the right-hand-side. We however, didn't aim to achieve the same effect shown (in terms of colour) in our research because it juxtaposed with the black and white lighting or colour that we were going for throughout our music video. I think this shot is very effective and is the type of effect we were aiming to achieve.
Here is my groups attempt to capture a similar shot to our research which is on the right. After shooting this ourselves, I realised that it did not have the same effect as our research in terms of the colouring which makes it a lot dingy. In order to achieve this effect I believe we will have to use some type of colour-like food colouring and simply place it in the water so the water looks more dingy.
This is another shot that we adopted following our research- it however has not been converted into black and white. I feel it was a a successful shot otherwise.
I feel in terms of our research this shot is the most successful shot my group and I were able to carry out. We certainly achieved the same effect as our research in term of colour, I just feel that I protagonist needs to look less pretty and more filthy and ugly in order for the shot to correlate with the character and be more effective.